Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Yesterday, we took Carter to Children's Hospital to have a full echocardiogram done.  In Ukraine, they told us he had a hole in his heart as an infant - but it closed up on its own.  We believed that to be true - this scenario is common in kids with Down syndrome.  When we came home, we of course took him to the pediatrician.  She heard a slight murmur - nothing to be concerned about, but told us we should have it checked out just to be sure.

So yesterday was the day.  I can't say that we were nervous or anxious.  I can say that I wondered what it would be like to be one of those 'heart moms' - you know, the moms who endure heart surgeries, transplants, and other unimaginable things.  I don't want to know what this is like.

Carter did great through the whole visit.  Almost 2 hours of measuring, weighing, machines, stickers, wires, medical gel (which he promptly wiped off his chest and applied to his lips...because everything is chapstick...), and cheerios.  Lots of cheerios.

Everything was finished, and we got him dressed.  And waited.

The doctor walked in, and said "Let me just cut to the chase.  Your son has the healthiest heart I've ever seen in a child with Down syndrome.  The only bad thing I can say, is that I'll never have the pleasure of seeing Carter again."

And that was it.  We rejoiced.  We said 'Yayyyy!' as Carter clapped his chubby little hands.  And we walked out - knowing that when we prayed for the Lord to protect our son's heart before we could get to him, He was really, truly, indeed protecting his heart.

One Thing I Know For Sure: Praising God for a healthy, whole heart.


  1. Haha! That doctor sound's awesome :) so glad to here everything is AOK with Mr. C's heart- and also glad to know medical gel works great as a chap stick stand-in :D

  2. YIPPPEEEE!!!...that is the best news!!...I awlways get goose bumps and tears in my eyes everytime I read your blog!..Congrats on the AWESOME news!!!!
    Love ya

  3. What a blessing:) I'm so happy to hear this news! Great pictures the last few entries. I can tell Carter watches his mommy put on lipstick. I just love when kids imitate. What a good boy getting his echo. Cutie:)

  4. Fantastic news and we serve an awesome glad all went well and he looks like it was just another "Ho Hum" experience for him...gotta love those cheerios...LOL...Meemom

  5. Praise God!!! That's great news! I was thrilled to hear the news yesterday and didn't get a chance to email you. YAY God!!! (J gets to go see the same doc in Feb again. :-))

  6. praise the Lord!!! so thrilled for you. what a testimony that Carter is. and not to mention entirely handsome. : )

  7. Oh, wow! That is such great news about Carter's heart. I see most of the kids listed from his place have that open oval window. I pray they are all as healthy as him. :) I am a heart mama of my little guy w/DS.

  8. Hey Ashley! My name is Stephanie. I have been a silent read for a while until now. I have fallen in love with Carter. You guys are so blessed with what a beautiful boy he is! I did have a question though. I love all your blog designs you have had, and was wondering do you ever make designs for other people? If you do what do you charge? My blog needs a new look, and I have been completely clueless as to how to do it. My blog address is Would you mind emailing me back when you have time at ? Thanks Stephanie :)

  9. LOVE IT!!!! So happy that his little heart is perfect! And stinkin cute that he used it as chapstick.

  10. glad he is fine! just on a side note, both my kids with DS had healthy hearts, my son was diagnosed two years ago with arrythmia, and now our second daughter who we adopted 5 months ago, apparently has arrythmia too.
    sigh... we have a cool cardiologist too, wish we didnt have to see him each year

  11. Doesn't get better than that! YAHOO!

  12. Yay Carter!! He is simply amazing!

  13. I have a seven year old son named Carter, who has had six heart surgeries! I never thought I would have been the kind of mother who could endure all that, but we have a GREAT God who is more than able! Congratulations on your adoption! Your Carter is a sweetie!

  14. So glad that Carter's heart is perfect!!


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