Monday, April 18, 2011

Kids....they're great!!

We got the sweetest gift from the sweetest girl at church yesterday. 
She walked up to me -
with a huge smile on her face -
like she had been waiting all week for this moment -
and said...

"Here - this is for Carter!!"


What a total blessing!!!

And what a beautiful lesson in giving.  Is that how I give to God - with a big smile? 
 Like I've been waiting all week to give back to Him?

Another lesson?  Every dollar counts.

No, every penny counts.

One Thing I Know For Sure:  $8.08 is a lot of money for a little girl...we are so blessed....


  1. Oh My Goodness - Love it!!!!!!!!!

  2. That is an amazing blessing! While I know you appreciate all donations, one that is so obviously from the heart is just awesome!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! :-)

  4. Love your blogsite and your stories.
    Praying for your adoption.


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