I looked up the definition, and it was so completely unimpressive. Maybe that's because a true legacy is so much more than a few words from a dictionary. It's a lifetime of love, faithfulness, and generosity. A lifetime. I don't know about you, but I'm 26 - and I can't say I've done anything 'well' for the entire span of my short lifetime. A legacy is 'getting it right' - throughout your entire lifetime. Consistency. Determination. Mistakes? Absolutely. But the good far outweighs the bad. The gentleness far outweighs the anger. The love far outweighs the bitterness, when you're leaving a legacy.
I attended a
How is it possible for one man to love - care - give - so much?
It's not.
This man was special - yes. But what made him special, was his connection to his Creator. He had the 'inside scoop' because he was a friend to the Most High God.
As I sat through this homecoming, I thought of my own life. It's short (so far) - I'm young, I know. But what could I be doing differently now, that could affect my legacy? What could I change? What MUST I change?
I need to be more available - more obedient - more trusting - more generous - oh Lord. I have so much to work on. Do you ever feel overwhelmed at what God may be calling you to do? Do you ever feel scared? "Now, God? Me? You want me to do THIS? Are you sure, Lord??". A legacy says 'yes' to God. A legacy moves on with grace. A legacy forgets about what people say, and focuses on what God says.
A legacy.
What will my legacy look like? I have no idea - but it involves taking a step. One step from wherever I'm at. One step.
One Thing I Know For Sure: The first step is always the hardest.
Good post Ashley! I loved what you said about one step... We can't over-analyze and try to plan each step. I think God just wants us to do something...one step at a time. I think you will leave a legacy of faith and love because you are following Christ.