Sunday, August 31, 2014

Dear Baby.

To say you are a 'desired child' would be an understatement.

Lots of people who don't even know you love you with a big, crazy, strong love.  And the mommy and daddy who felt you kick and move just might love you the most.

We can't wait to meet you.


Wait - did you think I was talking about Carter?! Well, I could have been.

But I wasn't.

Two very, very 'desired children' for this little Gibson family.

One has been in our home for just about 3 years.
The other has been in our hearts for almost that long.

The first one got here after lots of paperwork and airplane rides and varenyky.
The other will get here after a trip to the hospital.

Because it's in my belly.  Right now.

Surprise :)

Two years of hoping & praying & crying & peeing on sticks.
Two years of envisioning Carter as the Big Brother that he was meant to be.
Two years of waiting.

And finally.

Baby Gibson - coming March 2015.


"How do you feel?!?!"
Like I need a nap.  Even though I just got up from a nap.  Although, I'm 13 weeks tomorrow - so the tiredness is letting up a little bit.  Right as our active big brother goes back to school.  Of course!

BUT.  I haven't had a moment of morning sickness.  Believe me, I am crazy thankful.  I'd take major fatigue over major puking any stinkin' day.

"How long have you known?!?!?"
Since June 27th.  And then I waited 8 days to tell Jake, so I could tell him on his 30th birthday.  LONGEST EIGHT DAYS OF MY LIFE.

"Does Carter know?!?!"
Just ask him.  He'll say "Niiiice baby.  Mom baby.  Niiiiice."
Yep.  He knows :)

That's all the important stuff.

We're so, so, so, so excited.  Is this really happening?  Finally?


One Thing I Know For Sure: Eeeeeek!


  1. this has me crying like a baby. congratulations. carter is going to be the best big brother ever!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so VERY VERY happy for you guys!!! The video was awesome too. I was totally bawling this morning. LOL And can I just say how jealous I am you are one of those lucky few who didn't have morning sickness?!?! Totally makes the first trimester so much easier, but I do remember the incredible fatigue too. Anyway, praying all continues to go well for you! I know it's much more fun to talk to those that have been thru this recently or are pregnant now, but feel free to ask me anything if you want. :-) Love you guys!

  3. Rejoicing with you!!! Thanking God for this blessing! YAY!

  4. YAHOO! Congratulations! So excited for your family.


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