Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Laughter...the BEST Medicine!

Today was our exploration day - we really forced ourselves to get out there and see everything there is to see (and trust me - there's a lot!).  We have found, on our own, all the key places - TGI Friday's, Celantanos (an inexpensive pizza place), the Ukrainian Buffet, and the Billa Supermarket.  They're all within a 2 minutes walk of each other - but really, that's not saying much because the streets here are not like at home.  The traffic is slightly terrifying :)  We've learned to just go - and pray they stop for us!  So far, it's worked!!  We have successfully learned to figure out and navigate the underground sidewalks - it's sometimes the only option - some of the streets cannot be crossed any other way.

Remember I mentioned that sweet couple we met at the airport?  Well, we met up with them at TGI Friday's tonight.  Seriously - best medicine ever.  We absolutely needed that connection to home.  We needed to be reminded that we're not here alone.  We just needed some good old american speak :)  Their story is amazing - and they're truly a couple who is just seeking out God's plan for their life.  They were here over Christmas (Jill & Mimi...sound familiar?!) adopting a 13 year old boy - and since then, God has taken them on an amazing journey.  We are hoping and praying (somewhat selfishly, I admit) that they'll be staying in this city through their whole process.  We'd love to continue to meet up with them.  (They are going for a blind referral - which means they don't know where their child is located...it could be here, or it could be elsewhere).

Anyhow - tonight we have a new outlook.  I have to admit - nobody ever talks about the terrible homesickness.  Is it possible that I'm the only one that has been feeling this way?!  Can't be!  I have been so emotional - and just feeling this huge void.  I'm sure some of it has been the exhaustion - some of it has been the oppression - and some of it has been....well - I'm being honest, don't laugh...some of it has been the fact that I'm missing Moses like crazy.  Does that sound nuts?!  I know it does.  He's my bud, and I miss him terribly.

So - if you're coming after us, be prepared for this feeling.  Even if you like to travel, as we do.  Even if you have been out of the country, as we have.  It doesn't matter.  The emotions that go along with this journey are incredible.  They're impossible to put in to words.  And that, combined with the new culture and surroundings makes for one big mess of overwhelming emotion.

BUT - I haven't cried for at least the last 5 hours, so we're doing good :)  I can no longer tell people "I'm not a cryer!" because that would just be a down right lie at this point :)

Sorry for the long post - trying to put everything out there before it gets forgotten.

Tomorrow at 10:00am (2:00am at home - be praying for us if you happen to be awake...ha) is our SDA appointment.  It's really nothing to be nervous or scared about - it should be about 15 minutes.  We should get to hear about Carter - if he has siblings, etc.  And that's it.  It also sounds like we MAY be able to pick up our referral tomorrow afternoon, which would be good.  We'll see.

Thanks for joining us on this crazy, beautiful journey.  The prayers are so appreciated...especially for this homesick mama :)  And yes - even your comments on this blog absolutely touch my heart.  I read and thank God for every one - you don't know how good it is to hear from home!

One Thing I Know For Sure: I said I'd take photos today, but I didn't because we were having too much fun!! Tomorrow :)


  1. I'm praying for your SDA appointment!! And I probably will happen to be up at 2:00... :) Can't wait for pictures, because I still can't believe you're actually there!
    Love you guys!!

  2. Meeting up with other American couples is absolutely the best medicine for homesickness. A great way to make life-long friends too! So glad the Lord worked it out for you! :-)

    So glad you have joined the ranks of the "cryers"! LOL

  3. Gotta second everything Jill's said as a fellow veteran ;)

    I totally know/have experienced what you're going through- the range of emotions is insane! Anyway, much anticipation here at the Lococo house- can't WAIT for pictures! Praying all goes well in the days to come as you continue to adjust :)

  4. OMG! You describe all the feelings completely! I was terribly homesick and cried A LOT! Then I'd look over at Aidan all smiling and bubbly in not so great living conditions, and I'd be overwhelmed with emotion, and love like I've never felt before. You're on a journey like no other. I'm glad you have each other. Praying for you both to be strong, through culture shock and everything else you're experiencing.

  5. Praying for you guys! :)


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