Monday, April 25, 2011

Newborn Babies & Such...

I snuggled up an 8 day old baby last week.  I loved.every.minute.  Her itty bitty everything just melted my heart.  What a dolly. 

And it made me realize everything we have already missed.

Who was there with Carter when he was 8 days old?  Who ooohed and ahhhed over his sweet little fingers?  Who melted over his tiny little baby noises?  Who smelled his sweet newborn head and thought "yeah...nothing like a newborn baby head...."?    Who did he spew his first taste of baby food at?  Who did he give out his first smile to?  Who did he first raise his arms to, to say "up!"? 

Not me. 

And I'm feelin' it.

One Thing I Know For Sure: I'd give anything to be up all night with colicky baby Carter.....


  1. I can feel through your posts that your 'mama' heart is really coming ALIVE and is BLOOMIN... You are feeling everything a mama should be feeling. We just need to get him home quickly so that Carter can feel all of special love only a mama can give!

    My Heart Overflows for you!

    Love, Mom

  2. but you will be there to experience all the other joys he will bring to you! :)


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